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Available Courses 2015

For detailed and updated information about time and place of the courses, please refer to the webpage Courses Calendar

Training to research courses offered by M3ES





Course offered every year by M3Es School

English Course  





Docent Course

Ufficio Ricerca


Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali
Barbara  Rebecchi

Project Design
Donata Franzi 

La Mobilità per i ricercatori, FullBright ed Euraxesses Portal
Barbara  Villani

Claudio Delrio

I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
Giulia  Catellani e Valeria  Bergonzini

Business Planning  
Francesco Baruffi (Democenter)

I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva
Europe Direct  Modena

Career Development - 3 gruppi max. 10 per gruppo (prenotazione obbligatoria)
Relatore da definire


Corso CIGS – Tecniche analitiche e di microscopia avanzate

Personale CIGS




Univariate and bivariate data analysis

Prof. Roberto Simonini


A context for the analysis of hypothesis. "Data quality". Chi-square and its applications. Tests for comparisons between two groups. ANOVA: applications, advantages and problems. Multifactorial ANOVA: fixed vs random factors; orthogonal and nested designs.  Correlation and linear regression.


Multivariate data Analysis

Module 1:  Introduction to Matlab environment Module 2:  Basic of multivariate data analysis

Prof. Marina Cocchi


Module 1 
Program: Matlab programming environment, input/output handling, type of variables, figure handling, basic functions.
Main frame and toolboxes.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes

Module 2 
Program: Data and information; From data acquisition to data tables; Visualization of complex data; The different nature of variables and its implication in preprocessing and analysis. Basic of latent variables based methods for data reduction: PCA, PCR, PLS. Illustration of applications from different research fields

Methods: Class sessions, problem classes


Multiway Data Analysis*

Prof. Bro

(compulsory knowledge of arguments of Multivariate data Analysis Module 2 )


Program:  The multi-way ‘nature’ of data set and their properties. Extension of PCA and PLS to higher order arrays. Illustration of applications from different research fields.
Methods: Class sessions, computer labs

*Riservato agli studenti che hanno seguito il modulo due (tenuto da Marina Cocchi il 20-22 ottobre 2014). Altri studenti interessati devono contattare la Prof. Marina Cocchi per concordare se possono seguire il corso


Multivariate data Analysis

Module 5: 
Principles of Experimental Design.

Prof. Marina Cocchi

(knowledge of arguments of Multivariate data Analysis Module 2 strongly recommended)


Principles of Experimental Design,. Full and fractional factorial design, d-optimal design, mixture design, response surface methodologies.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes


Multivariate data Analysis

Module 4: Introduction to classification

Prof. Marina Cocchi

(knowledge of arguments of Multivariate data Analysis  Module 2 required)


Program:  Classification context. Strategy to obtain classification models, Class modeling and Discriminant analysis. Latent variables based classification methods: PLS-DA (
Discrimination) and SIMCA (Class Modeling). 
Illustration of applications from different research fields.
Methods: Class sessions.


-La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico

-La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica

Docenti: Annamaria Alfonsi, Annarosa Cesaretti, Veronique Fiorini, Giulia Valentini.


La ricerca dell’informazione scientifica online:
Martedì 23 Giugno 2015 | Giovedì 25 Giugno 2015
Programma:1. Le fasi della ricerca bibliografica: dalla formulazione della strategia di ricerca alla formattazione della bibliografia; 2. Concetti preliminari alla ricerca bibliografica online: VPN, operatori booleani, richiamo e precisione di una ricerca bibliografica; 3. La ricerca dell’informazione di qualità su internet: tipologie e supporti di documenti, Google, Wikipedia, cenni sul dark web, valutazione delle fonti online, Google Scholar; 4. Ricerca bibliografica in banche dati: - prima della ricerca: l’analisi terminologica nella costruzione delle strategie di ricerca; come è costruita una banca dati (PubMed); - SciFinder (la ricerca bibliografica e fattuale, ricerca di sostanze chimiche. La ricerca dei brevetti); - Scopus (ricerca bibliografica, ricerca per autore, ricerca per citazione. La ricerca dei brevetti); - Agris: principali caratteristiche; - Principali portali editoriali (ScienceDirect); 5. Ricerca di libri cartacei ed e-book: BiblioMO e i portali principali UniMORE per la ricerca di Ebook; 6. Ricerca di periodici elettronici: TrovaRivista; 7. I servizi di Document Delivery e di Prestito Interbibliotecario

La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico: 
Martedì 30 giugno 2015 | Giovedì 2 Luglio 2015
Programma: 1. Le citazioni bibliografiche nella letteratura scientifica: i principali stili citazionali in ambito scientifico (Harvard e Vancouver); 2. I software bibliografici: cosa sono, a cosa servono, come e quando vengono usati; 3. Il software open source Zotero. Esercitazioni: installazione del software sul proprio pc, gestione completa di una bibliografia in Zotero in funzione di una stesura di un articolo scientifico; 4. Il software gratuito Mendeley. Funzionalità di base e confronto con Zotero; 5. Accenni al software Latex; 6. Dove pubblicare un articolo scientifico: indici bibliometrici di riviste e autori (Impact Factor e H-Index); 7. Vie alternative per la pubblicazione: OA (che cosa è, perché si è sviluppato). Esempi di riviste OA e di Open Archives disciplinari e istituzionali; 8. Le due vie per pubblicare OA: green road e gold road; 9. Pubblicare senza perdere i propri diritti è possibile? Come? (La banca dati Sherpa per le politiche editoriali dei singoli editori); 10. Come UNIMORE ha recepito l’OA: gli archivi MoreThesis e IRIS.

N.B. Le lezioni si terranno in aula M2.1 (ex aula 11 presso il dip. di Matematica) dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00.
Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.
Docenti del corso: bibliotecari della BSI – Biblioteca Scientifica Interdipartimenatale


Geographical Information Systems Course

Dr. Alessandro Ghinoi


Basic course about Geographical Information Systems (GIS, software ARCGIS 10)”.



Courses offered only during 2015

Selective and partially selective sensors

Prof. Renato Seeber


  • Sensors:why!? Sensors and lab instrumentation
  • Optical, electrochemical, and (micro)gravimetric sensors: different transductions
  • Electrochemical sensors: potentiometric and controlled-potential electroanalysis
  • Quality indicators in analytical methods
  • Non-specific sensors: electronic noses and tongues
  • Enzyme biosensors; immunosensors; genosensors
  • Signal and data treatment


Computational methods for Modelling, Quantum-Mechanical Methods

Prof.  C. Ignacio Sainz Díaz


First Principles calculations can be a useful tool to explore phenomena that occur at atomic scale in chemical reactions where bonds are formed and broken, and spectroscopical properties. A review of fundamentals and applications of quantum mechanical methods will be described. A preliminary summary of different atomistic computacional modeling methods will be explained with some useful practical informations for atomistic methods. Basic explanations of fundamentals of Hartree-Fock approximation and Density Functional Theory and related approximations will be presented. Some practical details in the use of some programs will be included. Application examples of these methods will be described on studies related with surface and material science and environmental sciences.


Computational Mineralogy

Prof.  C. Ignacio Sainz Díaz


A review of the main computational methods applied to Mineralogy is described from an atomistic point of view. Every macroscopic phenomenon is the result of a complex junction of many microscopic phenomena based on interactions between atoms and molecules. Different methods are presented in a crescent sequence of theory level complexity, starting from methods of experimental data analysis including simulated annealing methods. Several classic mechanics force fields based on empirical interatomic potentials are presented. More sophisticate methods based on quantum mechanics are described applied on molecular cluster models and crystal periodic systems. Molecular dynamics simulations are also included. Some practical details about the use of some programs will be included. Applications of all these methods on the study of phyllosilicates and layered oxides are reviewed focussing on structural, crystallographic and spectroscopic properties, reactivity, surface interactions, adsorption of organic molecules and water interactions, including examples that occur at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, in difficult conditions for experimentalists like phenomena in comets or interplanetary dust, in deep sediments of seafloor, in dust of atmospheric aerosols.


Spettroscopia NIR

Dr. Tiziana Cattaneo Direttore Inc. CRA-IAA Presidente SISNIR
Dr. Roberto Giangiacomo
Prof. Marina Cocchi


La spettroscopia NIR basi teoriche
La strumentazione NIR ed i diversi campi di applicazione
NIR e chemiometria: sviluppo di metodiche di analisi rapide e non distruttive 



Prof. Marie-Claude Bal


The aim of this lecturer concerning the pedoanthracology is to explain the role of a methodology which help us to understand the mountain landscapes transformations since the Neolithic period in the southern European space.  Several examples of research will be detailed and permit to explore the natural and cultural heritage approach. 



Prof.  Katerina Kouli


Investigating the late Quaternary landscapes of Greece: The study of the late postglacial environmental changes in Greece has been based on the study of multiple environmental marine and terrestrial archives.
In the Aegean Sea, combined palynological, micro-palaeontological and molecular biomarker evidences enabled palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for since the late postglacial.
At the same time, terrestrial records demonstrate the heterogeneity of temporal landscape as a result of significant geomorphologic, altitudinal, latitudinal and climatic variability. Holocene palaeoecological and
paleovegetational studies from areas close to human activity centers provide evidences of their role as landscape shaping factor. A review of existing multi-proxy studies will be presented. The combination of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic archives with archaeological records provides an overview of human-environment dynamics
in the Holocene and outline the transition from a climate-controlled to the modern cultural landscape.
Finally, a geological point of view for the interpretation of Greek mythology and ancient writings (Geomythology) will be discussed. 


Introduction to Multivariate Image Analysis

Docente: Dr. M. Li Vigni - Prof. J. Amigo


Program: Multivariate data analysis applied to images and hyperspectral images. MIA and Wavelet-MIA based approaches. Multivariate Curve Resolution approach.
Methods: Class sessions