The role of Scientists (Chemists, Geologists, Physics, Biologists, Botanists, Engineers etc.) in the characterization of Cultural Heritage materials (i.e. Ceramics, Pigments, Clay products, Stones, Mortars, Plasters, Metals, Fabrics, Glasses, Paper, Inks, Bones, plant and animal remains etc.) became more and more important, according to the necessity to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the study of artworks and archaeological materials.
The Students of the PhD Course M3ES will have the possibility to operate at a very high international scientific level as specific knowledge, experience and updated analytic capabilities, research on hot themes, also through a strict cooperation network with, Archaeologists, Art historians, Conservator-restorers, Superintendencies, Museums, and Laboratories all over the world.
Researchers: Bosi, Lugli, Pederzoli, Vezzalini, Zannini