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courses 2020



•  Scientific Communication in English – Adrian Wallwork, January 2020 (5CFU) -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
This course will teach you how to communicate effectively in English (and any other language) in the world of academia. You will learn how to: 
- write a research paper using a simple clear style, which will enable your readers to immediately understand your unique contribution;
- present your research at an international conference, and network successfully in order to increase your chances of future collaborations;
- write effective emails to editors and fellow academics;
- draft a CV
The lessons are dynamic, interactive and above all highly practical.

•  Corso Competenze Trasferibili - Ufficio Ricerca (6CFU) - Autumn 2020 -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali; Project Design; La mobilità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal; Budgeting; Business Planning; I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva; Career Development; I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
• La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica e La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico - personale BSI (4CFU) – June 2020 -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
 Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica:

1) Documenti, strategie di ricerca, accessibilità delle risorse online
2) Motori di ricerca e valutazione delle fonti informative in rete
3) Ricerca bibliografica in banche dati. Prima della ricerca: l’analisi terminologica nella costruzione delle strategie di ricerca

  • come è costruita una banca dati - PubMed
  • SciFinder (la ricerca bibliografica e fattuale, ricerca di sostanze chimiche. La ricerca dei brevetti)
  • Scopus (ricerca bibliografica, ricerca per autore, ricerca per citazione. La ricerca dei brevetti)
  • Principali portali editoriali (ScienceDirect)

4) Ricerca di libri cartacei ed e-book: BiblioMO e i portali principali UniMORE per la ricerca di Ebook
5) Ricerca di periodici elettronici: TrovaRivista
6) I servizi di Document Delivery e di Prestito Interbibliotecario

 La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico:  

1) Le citazioni bibliografiche nella letteratura scientifica: i principali stili citazionali in ambito scientifico (Harvard e Vancouver)
2) I software bibliografici: cosa sono, a cosa servono, come e quando vengono usati
3) Il software open source Zotero. Esercitazioni: installazione del software sul proprio pc, gestione completa di una bibliografia in Zotero in funzione di una stesura di un articolo scientifico
4) Il software gratuito Mendeley. Funzionalità di base e confronto con Zotero
5) Strategie di pubblicazione e valutazione della ricerca: come utilizzare gli indicatori bibliometrici per orientarsi nel mercato delle pubblicazioni scientifiche (Impact Factor, H-Index etc.)
6) IRIS (Policy, cosa è, perché è nato, ANVUR, come funziona, ecc.)**
7) Vie alternative per la pubblicazione: OA (che cosa è, perché si è sviluppato). Esempi di riviste OA e di Open Archives disciplinari e istituzionali
8) Le due vie per pubblicare OA: green road e gold road
9) Pubblicare senza perdere i propri diritti è possibile? Come? (La banca dati Sherpa per le politiche editoriali dei singoli editori)
10) Morethesis
Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.

 •  Fondamenti di Visualizzazione dati in ambiente R – Alessio Passalacqua (2 CFU) –For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

Presentazione di R e Rstudio, Importazione e manipolazione dati, Visualizzazione con ggplot2, Come creare grafici eleganti e professionali

 •  Introduction to Experimental Design methodology – Marina Cocchi (1,5 CFU) –For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
Why/what Experimental Design. Context - Definition - Strategy. Main types of Designs & Cases of study

 •  A Short Introduction to MATLAB – Mauro Boccolari (2 CFU) - For detailed time and place, see  Courses Calendar   

The course aims to introduce the PhD student to the MATLAB environment and its potential, as well as the achievement of its minimal programming basics. Students should practice on computers for about 3-4 hours. The assessment will be done by means of the MATLAB implementation of a student experience topic. The short course will be arranged in two parts: 

 1) MATLAB programming language and practice (4 hours). 

Basic language constructs. Data structures. Operations with arrays. Input and output. Functions. Graphic functions for plotting.

2) Some applications and practice (4 hours).

 Statistical applications based on the Statistics and Machine Learning ToolboxTM 

 •  Genome Editing Technologies: a two years update - Gianpiero Di Leva (2CFU) – April 2020 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

After the success of the workshop on Genome Editing Technologies that I have delivered in 2018 supported by the Erasmus programme at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the host department has invited me to hold a new workshop for their students that should provide an update on this fast developing field that is providing us with the opportunity to change rapidly and economically an organism DNA. This workshop will aim to expose students to the latest advances in genome editing and it will explore their recent clinical applications. The seminars will help students to interpret and critically review new scientific discoveries and will foster necessary skills to prepare students for their future roles as scientists.


1.       Genome Editing Technologies: expanding the CAS9 repertoire:
i)        Review on CRISPR technologies;
ii)       DNA repair and genome editing technologies
iii)     CRISPR natural inhibitors;
iv)     Somatic gene editing tools
v)       Germline gene editing tools.

2.       Recent clinical applications of CRISPR technologies:

i)        CRISPR and HIV.
ii)       CRISPR and cystic fibrosis.
iii)     CRISPR and cancer.
iv)     Genome edited babies.


 •  Environmental risks and their societal impact - Dr. Mihai MICU (7.5 CFU) - January-March 2020 For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

Environmental risks represent a major issue to be tackled by scientists and by the society in terms of disaster risk reduction, as recognized by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR; 2015-2030) of the United Nations. The adoption of this new framework was based on the idea that, despite the significant progress towards risk reduction, an increase of both frequency and intensity of dangerous and/or catastrophic events has been recently recorded due to environmental and climatic changes (as recently outlined by the 2018 IPCC Report). The SFDRR points out that, at a global level, the exposure of elements at risk has increased more rapidly than the vulnerability decrease, and the most visible effects are marked at the level of local communities. In the meantime, SFDRR emphasizes the urgent implementation of pre-disaster anticipation and planning strategies for effective societal recovery. Four priority areas for resilience increase are proposed along with the reduction of exposure and vulnerability: comprehensive understanding of risk, strengthening risk management based on active stakeholder implication, investing in know-how transfer and capacity building, developing training and prevention staff to coordinate an effective response, characterized through the Build Back Better syntax for recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. In the same direction, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been established within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are aiming to contribute to the implementation of a new strategy over the next 15 years. Natural hazards are viewed from the point of view of reducing their level and minimizing their consequences, being addressed in the context of climate change (SDG 13), the involvement of the educational process in the preparation and prevention phases (SDG 4), the development of early monitoring and early warning systems (SDG 9) or the establishment of effective partnerships to increase the resilience and adaptability of the population in order to reduce the level of losses associated with natural hazards in general (SDG 17).

In this framework, the purpose of the teaching activities (tailored according to the networking principles of EC actions – Marie Curie Initial and Innovative Training Networks; students will be involved in pros/cons debates) is to provide the scientific support for the development of a complete risk management strategy, starting with events inventory to risk governance plans. Both components of processes and consequences will be equally analyzed, and successive operations of risk estimation, risk evaluation, risk management and risk communication will be approached in details. A special interest will be devoted to multi-hazard (and risk) evaluation. By bringing natural hazard assessment in the field of interdisciplinary investigations related to risk mitigation and management, the teaching activities will enhance the students’ capacity to construct quantitative evaluations for a more accurate assessment of single and multi-hazard exposure/vulnerability; they will allow them to develop risk reduction strategies through the development of non-structural plans (multi-hazard maps) and the mitigation of consequences through a more concise focus on structural preparedness measures; to enhance the development of knowledge and innovation in order to build a resilient culture. In such a way, the seminars proposed will emphasize the importance of increasing the application of research results, so that regional and local hazard assessments should be tailored for stakeholders and end-users involved in developing preparedness actions, prevention plans, response actions and recovery strategies at different (national, regional, local) scales.

9 seminars (lectures, 2/4 hours each); total: 30 hours

Seminar 1 (4h): Sustainability and environmental risks in the modern world: old problems and new paradigms

Seminar 2 (4h): Societal challenges for sustainable development

Seminar 3 (2h): Environmental and climate change: uncertainties for developing sustainable societies

Seminar 4 (4h): Environmental hazard assessment through space-time prediction and modeling:processes and consequences

Seminar 5 (4h): Exposure and vulnerability: key-issues in building resilient societies

Seminar 6 (2h): Environmental risk estimation and evaluation

Seminar 7 (4h): Environmental risk management

Seminar 8 (4h): Environmental risk culture: prevention and reaction through single to multi-risk assessment

Seminar 9 (2h): Sustainable development through transdisciplinarity