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Available Courses 2014

For detailed and updated information about time and place of the courses, please refer to the webpage Courses Calendar

Training to research courses offered by M3ES

A minimum of 5 students are required to begin a course



Contenuti corso e date

1. English Course 
Prof. Adrian Wallwork

20 ore=4CFU

inglese per scrivere articoli scientifici (10 ore)
inglese per presenatre paper congressuali (8 ore)
inglese per scrivere un CV (2 ore)

2. Docent Course  
Ufficio Ricerca

26 h = 6 CFU

Lunedi 24/11/2014 

  • ore 9:30-13: "Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali" - Barbara Rebecchi
  • ore14.00-17.00 "Project Design" - Claudio del Rio

Martedi 25/11/2014

  • ore 10.00-12.00 "La Moblità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal" - Barbara Villani
  • ore 14.00-17.00 "Budgeting" - Donata Franzi

Mercoledì 26/11/2014

  • ore 9.00-11.00 "Business Planning" - Francesco Baruffi
  • ore 11.00-13.00 "I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva" - Europe Direct  Modena

Giovedì 27/11/2014

  • ore 9.00-13.00 "Career Development" - 3 gruppi max 10 per gruppo (prenotaz obbligatoria) - Marilena Ravetto
  • ore 14.00-16.00 "I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale" - Giulia Catellani e Valeria Bergonzini

3. Corso CIGS – Tecniche analitiche e di microscopia avanzate

12 h = 3 CFU

3-7 Novembre 2014 (6 moduli da 2 ore l'uno)

4. Univariate and bivariate data analysis 
Prof. Roberto Simonini

20 h = 5 CFU

Contents: A context for the analysis of hypothesis. "Data quality". Chi-square and its applications. Tests for comparisons between two groups. ANOVA: applications, advantages and problems. Multifactorial ANOVA: fixed vs random factors; orthogonal and nested designs.  Correlation and linear regression.

Date: 10,11,12,13 June 2014, time: 10:30-12:30; 14-17

Place: Aula 2, Edificio Ex Biologia, via Campi 213/D Modena

5. Multivariate data Analysis
Prof. Marina Cocchi

Module 1:  Introduction to Matlab environment - 4h

Module 2:  Basic of multivariate data analysis  - 8 h

Module 3: Multiway Data Analysis - 8 h   (knowledge of arguments of Module 2  recommended)

Module 4: Introduction to classification - 4 h (knowledge of arguments of Module 2 strongly recommended)

Module 5: Experimental design methodology - 8 h

Module 6: Nature Inspired Methods in Data Analysis: Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks - 12 h (6h+ 6h)
(knowledge of arguments of Module 2 recommended)

Module 7: Introduction to Multivariate Image Analysis - 8h

20 h = 5 CFU

Module 1
Program: Matlab programming environment, input/output handling, type of variables, figure handling, basic functions.
Main frame and toolboxes.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes

Module 2
Program: Data and information; From data acquisition to data tables; Visualization of complex data; The different nature of variables and its implication in preprocessing and analysis. Basic of latent variables based methods for data reduction: PCA, PCR, PLS. Illustration of applications from different research fields
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes
Period: week 20-24 October 2014 (23 e 24 corso di inglese a reggio tutto il giorno)

Module 3
Program:  The multi-way ‘nature’ of data set and their properties. Extension of PCA and PLS to higher order arrays. Illustration of applications from different research fields.
Methods: Class sessions, computer labs
Period: November 2014

Module 4
Program:  Classification context,. Strategy to obtain clasifiication models, Class modeling and Discriminant analysis. Latent variables based classification methods: PLS-DA (Discrimination) and SIMCA (Class Modeling).
Illustration of applications from different research fields.
Methods: Class sessions.
Period:  February 2015

Module 5
Principles of Experimental Design,. Full and fractional factorial design, d-optimal design, mixture design, response surface methodologies.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes
Period:  February 2015

Module 6
Program:  General introduction. Basics of Genetic Algorithms (GA), use of GA in optimisation and variable selections.  Neural networks in the context of application to: regression and classification. Self Organizing Kohonen Maps.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes, computer labs
Period: spring 2015

Module 7
Program: Multivariate data analysis applied to images and hyperspectral images. MIA and Wavelet-MIA based approaches. Multivariate Curve Resolution approach.
Methods: Class sessions, problem classes
Period: to be defined 2015

6. Computational Methods for Modelling Docente di riferimento Malavasi

Module 1: Bioinformatics and Chemoinformatics

Module 2: Computer Simulations as numerical experiments

20 h = 5 CFU

Module 1
Program: Protein structure prediction, sequence analysis, Protein homology, Molecular
 Modelling in Drug Design
Prof. M.C. Menziani 4 h
Period: 12-16 Jenuary 2015

Module 2
Program: Model systems and interaction potentials, Calculations of thermodynamics, structural and dynamical properties
Case Studies: Computational simulations of inorganic surface/biomolecule
 interaction: practical aspects
Dr. A. Pedone, Dr. G. Malavasi 12 h

27 e 28 ottobre 2014 - ore 10-13 e 14-17
Aula 7 - III piano DSCG sede Via Campi (ex. Dip. Chimica)

7. Visiting Professor
Docente di riferimento
Dr. Francesco Ronchetti


Program: 1 Module: “Geomechanical characterization of partially satured soils (2 CFU, 8 hours)” (Dr. Ing. A. Ferrari, EPFL Lousanne, SWISS); 2 Module: “Advanced geomechanical modelling applied to landslides (2 CFU, 8 ore)” (Dr. Ing. A. Ferrari, EPFL Lousanne, SWISS).

Date: (1 module) 6-7 Febbruary 2014 – Aula M (S. Eufemia 19); (2 module) 23-25 June 2014 – Aula Informatica (sede S. Eufemia 19), orario: 9.30-13.00; 14.00-17.00 

8. Geographical Information Systems Course Dr. Alessandro Ghinoi


Program: “Basic course about Geographical Information Systems (GIS, software ARCGIS 10)”.

Date: 27,28,29 January 2014, time: 9-13; 14-18

Place: Aula Informatica S. Eufemia 19

9. Pedobiology
Prof. Daniele Malferrari
Prof. Maria Agnese Sabatini
Prof. Anna Maria Mercuri



(2+2+2CFU) con 24h = 6 CFU

Theoretical and practical course on pedobiology.

First part: brief introduction on basic features and nomenclature elements of soils and sediments; main

analytical methods to define the chemical speciation of (pollutant) elements in soils and sediments when they do not present long-range structural order; specifically, will be focused chemical and  spectroscopic methods; one ore more cases of study will be dealt.

Second part: knowledge of live components of soil, primary soil organic substance matter and secondary humus substances; microscopical analyses of animal and plant records in the soils; soil as an environment for organisms and organisms as markers for the quality of soil and environment.

10. Nature Inspired Methods in Data Analysis: Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Prof. Marina Cocchi (
Dr. Riccardo Leardi
Dr. Federico Marini

3 CFU = 12 h


(questo potrebbe sostituire/integrare per quest'anno il corso 5)

Program:  General introduction. Basics of Genetic Algorithms (GA), use of GA in optimisation and variable selections.  Neural networks in the context of application to: regression and classification . Self Organizing Kohonen Maps.

Methods: Class sessions, problem classes, computer labs


25/02/2014 Dr. R. Leardi

26/02/2014 Dr. F. Marini

Orario: 10-13; 14-17.30

Aula: M2.1 (ex XI) 1°P Matematica

11. Computational Methods for Modeling and Simulations
Dr. Monia Montorsi (
Prof. Jincheng Du

3 CFU = 12 h


(questo potrebbe sostituire/integrare per quest'anno il corso 6)

Program: 1) Challenges in molecular dynamics simulations of multicomponent glasses.

2) Simulations of glasses with mixed glass formers: from aluminosilicate to aluminophosphate glasses.

3) Atomic structure and ionic diffusion of novel bioactive glasses.

4) Bonding and atomic charges in glass and crystalline solids: insight from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.

5) Rare earth containing glasses: local environment and clustering behaviours.

Methods: Class sessions, problem classes

Tra il 12 e il 19 maggio e tra il 25 maggio ed il 12 giugno 2014
Orario e aula: da definire

12. Structural properties
Prof. Maria Franca Brigatti (

Nota: essendo il docente direttore del DSCG, date ed orari potranno subire delle variazioni.

3 CFU = 12 h

Program: basic crystallography and single crystal X-ray diffrattometry

Methods: Class sessions, experimental lab


18-19 giugno 2014 Orario: 9-12; 14-17

DSCG (studio docente) e CIGS (lab. RX)

13. Thermal and optical properties

Prof. Adolfo Speghini

Prof. Cristina Siligardi (


1 CFU = 4 h

Program: Thermal analysis (TG, DTA and DSC), heating microscopy, dilatometry, solid state spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Luminescence spectroscopy

Methods: Class sessions, experimental lab

Prof. Speghini: 10 Aprile 2014 Orario: 10-13
Prof. Siligardi: Data e ora : da definire

Sala riunioni primo piano dell'ex DIMA