PhD Theses Proposals
PhD Theses Proposals for XL cycle
Biological Area
General Topics for the Main Selection Procedure
Title: Morphological and molecular characterization of alien species of invertebrates
Proponent: Michele Cesari
Title: Biodiversity and phylogeny of Italian micrometazoans living in terrestrial environments
Proponent: Roberto Guidetti
Title: Stress effects on innate immune functions in molluscs of biomedical, economic and environmental interest
Proponent: Davide Malagoli
Title: Enhancement of microscopic vegetal biodiversity in Italian contexts: palynological analyses
Proponents: Anna Maria Mercuri Assunta Florenzano
Title: Biodiversity, biogeography and evolution of meiofaunal taxa.
Proponent: M. Antonio Todaro
Title: Evolution and adaptations of micrometazoans in extreme environments in relation to climate change
Proponent: Lorena Rebecchi
Specific topic with dedicated selection procedure
Title: Natural Traces in forensic investigations: how the pollen analysis can solve crime
Proponent: Anna Maria Mercuri
In the framework of the project: Natural Traces in forensic investigations how the analysis of non-human evidence can solve crime NATURAL TRACES GA 101120165 (Horizon-MSCA-2022-DN-01)
Chemical Area
General Topics for the Main Selection Procedure
Title: Designing dynamic organic crystals as smart molecular materials
Proponent: Luca Catalano
Title: Development of optical systems based on the integration of spectroscopy and chemometrics for dairy products and processes monitoring.
Proponent: Marina Cocchi, co-tutor Giovanni Cabassi
In collaboration with: Consiglio per la ricerca in Agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria, CREA-ZA
Title: Development of new chelators for Mn(II) aimed to medical applications.
Proponent: Erika Ferrari
Title: Development of new devices containing mesoporous glasses for biomedical applications
Proponent: Gigliola Lusvardi
Title: Chemical traceability: a multidisciplinary challenge for scientific applications
Proponent: Andrea Marchetti
Title: Machine Learning Potentials for Amorphous Solid Electrolytes for All Solid State Batteries.
Proponents: Alfonso Pedone and Francesco Faglioni
Title: Sources, fate of persistent per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment and human exposure through food consumption.
Proponent: Guido Perra
Title: Electrochemical sensing: innovative devices and methodologies for the analysis of real matrices.
Proponent: Laura Pigani
Title: Innovative materials for pervasive sustainability in the metallurgical sector
Proponent: Lorenzo Tassi
Title: Chiral Metal-Organic Frameworks for energy applications
Proponent: Francesco Tassinari
Title: First row transition metal complexes with a molecular identity as new functional materials
Proponent: Luca Rigamonti
Specific topic with dedicated selection procedure
Title: Design of new current collectors for quasi solid state anode less batteries
Proponent: Andrea Paolella
in collaboration with: Basquevolt
Title: Modelling catalytic decarbonization strategies using molecular simulation and machine learning techniques
Proponent: Giovannimaria Piccini
in collaboration with: Casale SA
Title: Innovative and sustainable materials for cross-sector applications in building constructions: preparation, synthesis, characterization and industrial formulations.
Proponent: Fabrizio Roncaglia
in collaboration with: Litokol
Geological Area
General Topics for the Main Selection Procedure
Title: Coral proxies for Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Proponent: Francesca Bosellini
Title: Analytical advancements in mass spectrometry for geochemical Investigations across high and low temperature environments.
Proponent: Anna Cipriani
Title: Geoheritage and Geohazard in the context of global change
Proponent: Paola Coratza
Title: Landslide processes and risks analysis.
Proponent: Alessandro Corsini
Title: Conodont biodiversity through extinction perturbations
Proponent: Annalisa Ferretti
Title: Structural and microstructural characterization of ceramics manufactured using secondary raw materials
Proponent: Alessandro Gualtieri
Title: Deep-water sedimentary processes and geohazards: Insights from quantitative 3D seismic stratigraphy and geomorphology.
Proponent: Vittorio Maselli
Title: Use of satellite data for multiscale analysis of landslides for basin planning.
Proponent: Marco Mulas
Title: Larger foraminifera in the Paleogene: biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Proponent: Cesare Andrea Papazzoni
Title: Assessment of the impacts of climate change on water resources and possibile mitigation actions.
Proponent: Francesco Ronchetti
Title: Low-CO2 and alternative binders for the sustainability of the building industry: may we improve their durability?
Proponent: Alberto Viani
Specific topic with dedicated selection procedure
Title: Artificial groundwater recharge in the Emilia Romagna Region: identification of suitable sites, actions and effectiveness evaluation in a climate-change scenario
Proponent: Luigi Bruno
in collaboration with Regione Emilia-Romagna
Title: Earthquake-induced Liquefaction Phenomena (Co-seismic effects) and experimental Blast Test
Proponent: Paolo Marco De Martini
in collaboration with INGV and UNICH