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Available Courses 2018

Courses offered every year by M3Es School

1. English Course (5CFU) - January and February 2018 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar  
inglese per scrivere articoli scientifici (10 ore)
inglese per presentare paper congressuali (8 ore)
inglese per scrivere un CV (2 ore)
2. Docent Course - Ufficio Ricerca (6CFU) - Autumn 2018 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar  
Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali; Project Design; La Moblità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal; Budgeting; Business Planning; I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva; Career Development; I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
3. La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica e La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico - personale BSI (4CFU) - May-June 2018 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar  

Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica: documenti, strategie di ricerca, accessibilità delle risorse online
1) Motori di ricerca e valutazione delle fonti informative in rete 
2) Ricerca bibliografica in banche dati:
prima della ricerca: l’analisi terminologica nella costruzione delle strategie di ricerca
come è costruita una banca dati - PubMed
SciFinder (la ricerca bibliografica e fattuale, ricerca di sostanze chimiche. La ricerca dei brevetti)
Scopus (ricerca bibliografica, ricerca per autore, ricerca per citazione. La ricerca dei brevetti)
Principali portali editoriali (ScienceDirect) 
3) Ricerca di libri cartacei ed e-book: BiblioMO e i portali principali UniMORE per la ricerca di Ebook 
4) Ricerca di periodici elettronici: TrovaRivista 
5) I servizi di Document Delivery e di Prestito Interbibliotecario
La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico  
1) Le citazioni bibliografiche nella letteratura scientifica: i principali stili citazionali in ambito scientifico (Harvard e Vancouver)
2) I software bibliografici: cosa sono, a cosa servono, come e quando vengono usati
3) Il software open source Zotero. Esercitazioni: installazione del software sul proprio pc, gestione completa di una bibliografia in Zotero in funzione di una stesura di un articolo scientifico
4) Il software gratuito Mendeley. Funzionalità di base e confronto con Zotero
5) Strategie di pubblicazione e valutazione della ricerca: come utilizzare gli indicatori bibliometrici per orientarsi nel mercato delle pubblicazioni scientifiche (Impact Factor, H-Index etc.).*
6) IRIS (Policy, cosa è, perché è nato, ANVUR, come funziona, ecc.)**
7) Vie alternative per la pubblicazione: OA (che cosa è, perché si è sviluppato). Esempi di riviste OA e di Open Archives disciplinari e istituzionali
8) Le due vie per pubblicare OA: green road e gold road
9) Pubblicare senza perdere i propri diritti è possibile? Come? (La banca dati Sherpa per le politiche editoriali dei singoli editori)
10) Morethesis
Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.

Courses offered every 2 year by M3Es School

4. Geographical Information Systems Course - Prof. Paola Coratza (6 CFU) –  February/march 2018 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar  
Basic course about Geographical Information Systems (GIS, software ARCGIS 10)

Courses offered by M3Es School in 2018

5. Short course of introduction in Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD): theoretical background and potential application - Prof. Richard Spiess (3CFU) – June 2018 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
This course is dedicated essentially to PhD-students and/or post-docs with no or only limited background on this SEM-based analytical technique. The course will first give a short historical introduction into the evolution of this analytical technique and explain why it is nowadays unconceivable doing modern microstructural analysis without EBSD.
The course will then introduce how EBSD diffraction patterns evolve, where they become collected and what are the requirements for calibrating an EBSD-system for crystallographic indexing. We will then discuss the kind of information that can be extracted from EBSD data, the different ways how these data can be plotted, and how the crystallographic context on which EBSD patterns are based constrain the maximum amount of mismatches that can be determined among neighbor domains/grains of a single mineral species. We will then apply EBSD directly in the CIGS FEG-SEM laboratory equipped with a Bruker EBSD-system on selected samples of different proveniences and discuss the results.
6. Linear and nonlinear light-matter interaction – potential applications in physics and biology – Prof. Gilles Lemercier–  February 2018 (3CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar  
SHG imaging of membranes; - Two-photon-based optical power limiting; - Two-photon induced polymerizations - - Two-photon excited (TPE-) imaging and photodynamic therapy (PDT); - Towards elaboration and characterizations of nano-platforms.; - dual emission phenomena and related potential applications (biological probes and white luminescence)
7. Introduction to Radiochemistry  – Autumn 2018? (4CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
The course will introduce the basic concepts of radiochemistry, and the lectures will cover the following topics:
- Basics of coordination chemistry (2h; Dr. Ferrari)
- Principles of Radiochemistry (4 h; Prof. Rösch)
- Procedures, radioprotection, security assurance in radioactive laboratories. (2h, Dr.ssa Fioroni, Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS- Reggio Emilia)
-  “Metallic or non-metallic radionuclides?” that is the question.
Technetium-99m: the working horse of nuclear medicine (2h, Dr. Asti , Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS- Reggio Emilia)
Fluorine-18 labelled radiotracers (2h, Dr. Piel, Mainz)
Gallium-68 labelled radiotracers (2h,  Dr. Asti, Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS- Reggio Emilia)
-  New trends in metal-based radiotracers (2h, Prof. Rösch, Mainz) 
8. “Welcome to the new zoo”: genome editing technologies in action - Dr Gianpiero di Leva – late April 2018 (2CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar 
 Abstract: we will describe the history of genome editing technologies and how during the recent years they have evolved: we will explore their molecular determinants and discuss their possible use in biotech and biomedical fields. Examples of therapeutic modalities that will be covered will include productions of new transgenic animals, correction of deleterious mutations and human embryo manipulation.
9. Introduction to multivariate data analysis OR Exploratory data analysis: univariate &  Multivariate - Prof. Rasmus Bro and Prof. Cocchi - October 2018 (2CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar 
The specific program of the course will be defined according to the students of the course requests
Data and information; From data acquisition to data tables; Visualization of complex data; The different nature of variables and its implication in preprocessing and analysis. Basic of latent variables based methods for data reduction: PCA, PCR, PLS. Illustration of applications from different research fields
Recall of descriptive statistic. Highlight pattern, trend, correlation, anomalies in data. Graphical tools to inspect distribution (frequency histogram, box plot). Understanding PCA, hands on.
10. From fossil record to biodiversity distribution over time. How climate change affect and affected Life on Earth. – Dott. Claudio Ferrari – May 2018 (2 CFU) -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar 
Since Life evolved on Earth, biodiversity have always been modified in response to climate and environmental changes. Introduction on how climate change affect biodiversity, why different anthropic countries have a high biodiversity and which scientific tools can be used to analyze species response to climate change. The species concept and strategies to protect biodiversity. Lessons will discuss different topics with a holistic approach, passing from fossil record to geology and cultural history of different countries, and finally, during lessons will be explained most of the innovative biological techniques for the study of biodiversity
11. Graphic representation of ecological data with R - Dott. Matteo Vecchi – April 2018 (2CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar 
Practic course focused on the graphical representation of ecological data with the software R. The course content will span from basic R features such as data import and manipulation to more estethic aspects like custom color palettes creation, graphics production and export using the widely used R libraries ggplot2 and phyloseq.

12. Self-assembled thin films - Mikko Salomäki, PhD – April 2018 (3CFU) - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar
This course will introduce students to the developing science of self-assembly. After the completion of the course, the students will understand the principles of self-assembly of small molecules and macromolecules. They will learn how scientists are designing and exploiting the principles of self-assembly to produce functional materials and the techniques to characterize these materials. The covered topics include: Introduction to Self-assembly; Self-assembly at surfaces; Langmuir-Blodgett films, Self-assembled monolayers, Layer-by-layer assembly, Characterization and applications of self-assembled systems.