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Available Courses 2019

Courses offered every year by M3Es School  

 Scientific Communication in English (5CFU) - January 2019 -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

This course will teach you how to communicate effectively in English (and any other language) in the world of academia. You will learn how to: 
- write a research paper using a simple clear style, which will enable your readers to immediately understand your unique contribution;
- present your research at an international conferences, and network successfully in order to increase your chances of future collaborations;
- write effective emails to editors and fellow academics;
- draft a CV.
The lessons are dynamic, interactive and above all highly practical.

 Corso Competenze Trasferibili - Ufficio Ricerca (6CFU) - Autumn 2019  - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar     
Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali; Project Design; La Moblità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal; Budgeting; Business Planning; I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva; Career Development; I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica e La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico - personale BSI (4CFU) - Spring 2019  -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica:
1) Documenti, strategie di ricerca, accessibilità delle risorse online
2) Motori di ricerca e valutazione delle fonti informative in rete
3) Ricerca bibliografica in banche dati:
• prima della ricerca: l’analisi terminologica nella costruzione delle strategie di ricerca
• come è costruita una banca dati - PubMed
• SciFinder (la ricerca bibliografica e fattuale, ricerca di sostanze chimiche. La ricerca dei brevetti)
• Scopus (ricerca bibliografica, ricerca per autore, ricerca per citazione. La ricerca dei brevetti)
• Principali portali editoriali (ScienceDirect)
4) Ricerca di libri cartacei ed e-book: BiblioMO e i portali principali UniMORE per la ricerca di Ebook
5) Ricerca di periodici elettronici: TrovaRivista
6) I servizi di Document Delivery e di Prestito Interbibliotecario

La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientific o  
1) Le citazioni bibliografiche nella letteratura scientifica: i principali stili citazionali in ambito scientifico (Harvard e Vancouver)
2) I software bibliografici: cosa sono, a cosa servono, come e quando vengono usati
3) Il software open source Zotero. Esercitazioni: installazione del software sul proprio pc, gestione completa di una bibliografia in Zotero in funzione di una stesura di un articolo scientifico
4) Il software gratuito Mendeley. Funzionalità di base e confronto con Zotero
5) Strategie di pubblicazione e valutazione della ricerca: come utilizzare gli indicatori bibliometrici per orientarsi nel mercato delle pubblicazioni scientifiche (Impact Factor, H-Index etc.)
6) IRIS (Policy, cosa è, perché è nato, ANVUR, come funziona, ecc.)**
7) Vie alternative per la pubblicazione: OA (che cosa è, perché si è sviluppato). Esempi di riviste OA e di Open Archives disciplinari e istituzionali
8) Le due vie per pubblicare OA: green road e gold road
9) Pubblicare senza perdere i propri diritti è possibile? Come? (La banca dati Sherpa per le politiche editoriali dei singoli editori)
10) Morethesis
Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.

Courses offered every 2 year by M3Es School 

Corso "statistica" - Prof. Simonini (3 CFU) –  May 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

- Basic concepts (uncertain, significance, power, comparing samples)
- Application of ANOVA to Nested (hierarchical) designs.
- Application of ANOVA to Factorial (orthogonal) designs.
- Complex designs

Courses offered by M3Es School in 2019

Radiogenic isotope geochemistry, application to environmental, geological and biological investigation – Prof. Christophe Hemond (3 CFU) -  May 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   

The course aims to discuss applications of isotopic geochemistry to significant interdisciplinary applications. The course moves from recalling the bases of the radiogenic and stable isotopic and their use and significance. Global and local application are thought to cover singificant fields spanning from oceanology, hydrology, biology, geology an food chain. Peculiar aspects can be developed according to student’s requests. Laboratories are structured as solving numerical problems for classic isotopic applications, plotting and interpretation, use of reference fields and databases.
  • Lecture 1: The basis of isotope chemistry, radiogenic and stable isotopes. Significance of the isotopic content for the definition of natural reservoirs and dating.
  • Lecture 2: Elemental and radiogenic isotope applications to hydrology. Definition of the global oceanic circulation.
  • Laboratory 1: Problems on radiogenic ingrowth. Reference fields, meaninful plotting.
  • Lecture 3: Biondicators of the seawater quality: elemental and isotopic analyses of the “coquilles de St. Jaques” (scallop shells).
  • Lecture 4: Carbonates: biologic versus chemical genesis and dating by radiogenic isotopes.
  • Laboratory 2: Exercises on elemental and isotopic problems for bio-derived carbonates and food chain.
  • Lecture 5: Petrological and geochemical application of radiogenic and stable isotopes.
  • Present-day isotopic heterogeneity of the mantle: Depleted and enriched reservoirs. Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-Os isotopic composition of MORB and OIB
  • Lecture 6: Isotopic evolution of the crust-mantle system: Sr-Nd-Hf evolution;  Pb-Evolution; Os-evolution
  • Laboratory 3: Solution of typical problems of reservoir definition, plotting and spidergrams and radiogenic ingrowth on geological timescales.
Methods for landslide hazard assessment at different scales and applications in environmental studies - Dr. Mihai Micu (4 CFU) – March-april 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
Landslides represent important geomorphic processes, from both theoretical and applied perspectives, whose investigation is fundamental for disaster risk reduction, as recognized by the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 of the United Nations. Their morphogenesis provides different proxies for the modelling of future occurrences and space-time distributions, offering a consistent input to risk analysis, evaluation and management, which are crucial in environmental studies. The purpose of this short course is to provide an overview on the classic and newly-emerged methods for landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment at different scales, with special emphasis on the importance of sensitivity analysis within such approaches and their potential in environmental studies. The course will include lab work, devoted to outlining the place, role and importance of uncertainties that may arise, from process inventory to local and regional future predictions in different environments. Finally, the course aims at outlining the importance of landslide hazard assessment in interdisciplinary investigations related to risk mitigation and management, providing useful tools and skills to geologists l.s., civil and environmental engineers, and field botanists.

Course planning and contents : 5 lectures (2 hours each; theory), 3 labs (2 hours each; practice); total: 16 hours
  • Day1: 
    • Lecture 1: The landslides system, from morphogenesis to risk reduction
    • Lecture 2: A scale-dependent overview of modern approaches in susceptibility and hazard assessment in different environments
    • Lab 1: Procedures of sensitivity analysis in susceptibility assessment
  • Day 2:
    • Lecture 3: Rich vs. scarce data environments: local and regional evaluations of susceptibility and hazard for risk analysis and estimation
    • Lecture 4: Rich vs. scarce data environments: national evaluations of susceptibility and hazard for risk management and communication
    • Lab 2: Modern platforms for landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment and their potential in environmental studies 
  • Day 3:
    • Lecture 5: Uncertainties in landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment
    • Lab 3: Multi-hazard evaluation.
Exploratory data analysis: Univariate & Multivariate - Prof. Marina Cocchi (2 CFU) – end of March 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar   
Recall of descriptive statistic. Highlight pattern, trend , correlation , anomalies in data. Graphical tools to inspect distribution (frequency histogram, box plot). Understanding PCA, hands on.
Method: Class session. Lab exercise (bring your data)
Chemometrics and multivariate analysis in imaging and process spectroscopy – Prof. Cyril Ruckebusch (4 CFU) – early april 2019 -  For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar    
This course is organized around 4 seminars of three hours each. It is not only built on theoretical content but on examples and case studies. Attention will be paid to maintain a high level of interactions with the students. They will be provided with some materials (readings, data, ...) before each session. The course is meant for master and PhD student in chemistry, biology and related fields.
  • S1 Signal and image (pre)processing (3hrs)
    • Denoising, and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement
    • Smoothing and Derivatives
    • Background Estimation, Splines
    • Kinetic data fitting
    • Image processing, Deconvolution and super-resolution
  • S2 Multivariate curve resolution (3hrs)
    • Model free analysis, Factor analysis
    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Multivariate Curve Resolution, Alternating least
    • squares methods
  • S3 Chemometrics in multi- and hyperspectral imaging (3hrs)
    • Hyperspectral data
    • Multivariate Curve Resolution of hyperspectral images
    • Focus on spatial-spectral analysis and the implementation of spatial constraints
  • S4 Chemometric in ultrafast resolved spectroscopy (3 hrs)
    • Process spectrocopy data
    • Multivariate Curve Resolution of time-resolved spectra
    • Focus on hard-soft multivariate curve resolution for photochemical processes.

Innovative diagnostic tools in environmental sciences – Prof. Monia Renzi (1 CFU)  – spring 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar    

  • Introduction: ecotoxicology in environmental sciences: field of applications and national laws (1/2h)
  • Classical diagnostic tools in ecotoxicology: principal features strengths and weakness (1 h)
  • Development of recent researches in ecotoxicology: early stress indicators and innovative tools for environmental diagnostic (1+1/2 h)
  • Researches on marine litter and microplastics: ecotoxicological applications (1h)
Palaeobiological applications in Earthsciences by means of Foraminifera – Prof. Antonino Briguglio (2 CFU) – February 2019 - F For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar    

The sedimentary record and the fossil remains preserved in it are exceptional archives of Earth’s history. Some organisms can even preserve within their ontogenetic development high-resolution environmental variations. The course has the aim to show how some marine organisms’ physiology is fundamental to measure and quantify climatic changes of the past and how some organisms can be successfully used as proxy to reconstruct environmental conditions in deep time. The study of such past environmental variations can be a powerful tool to project into the future the evolutionary dynamics biological communities especially in regard of modern changing climatic conditions.

The lecturer will present and discuss some of the most common applications in paleobiology, paleoceanography and taphonomy using foraminifera as working tool to stimulate (with practical exercises) the use of statistical methods which can be applied in both geological and biological sciences. The content of the course has an innovative and interdisciplinary character as palaeobiology permits the use of both chemical and physical processes to better understand geological and biological aspects in palaeontology.
Organic Chemistry in Drug Discovery– Prof. James Wilkinson (2CFU) – end of May 2019 - For detailed time and place, see Courses Calendar     
The course will cover a review of important reactions, synthesis planning and a couple of case studies on Drug Discovery of small molecule drugs