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CFU Guidelines – PhD students XXXVI Cycle

CFU Distribution during the 3 years; minimum amount at the end of the school: 180 CFU


1 year

2 year

3 year

Formation Activities

UNIMORE PhD Courses Min. 15 CFU *

Basic Training Max. 12 CFU 




Scientific-Research Activities











Every year 60 CFUs must be achieved by summing the CFU of the FORMATION activities, those of the SCIENTIFIC activities and those assigned for the THESIS.


 FORMATION Activities (CFU = University Educational Credit):

  • Attendance in the teaching activities of the Doctorate School: 1 CFU/4 hours module •
  • Attendance in university lessons (University courses offered by UNIMORE or other University)- Basic Training: CFUs of the degree course •
  • Attendance in internal seminars: 1 CFU/seminar •
  • Attendance in courses, schools or seminars held by other Boards: CFU granted by the school/course or 1 CFU/seminar or 1CFU/day

 Formation activities must be completed in the first two years;

As a rule, at least 15 credits by M3ES courses, or by courses offered in cooperation between M3ES and the other PhD course of UNIMORE, must be acquired. However, *PhD students with two supervisors (one abroad and one Unimore, in a joint supervision) and home institution at Unimore are required to attend at least 8 CFU offered by Unimore, PhD students with joint supervision and home institution abroad are not required to attend courses offered by Unimore  

A maximum of 12/180 CFU could be achieved by Basic Training


SCIENTIFIC Activities:


• Participation in congresses without a contribution presented by the PhD Student: 1 CFU/national or 2 CFU/international •

• Participation in congresses with a poster presented by the PhD student: 2 CFU/national or 3 CFU/international •

• Participation in congresses with an oral contribution presented by the PhD Student: 3 CFU/national or 4 CFU/international •

• Seminar held by the PhD Student: 2 CFU/seminars. •

• Publication on ISI journal: 8 CFU •

• Publication (Peer-Reviewed) on other journals and proceedings: 4 CFU•

• Book chapters: 4 CFU•

• Oral or poster contribution at a congress/meeting not presented by the PhD Student: 1CFU

• National Patent: pending 4 CFU; granted 8 CFU

• International Patent:  pending 8 CFU; granted 12 CFU

• Teaching assistance (max 30 h): 1 CFU/10h

• Mission/Stage Period Abroad (longer than 10 days each): 3CFU/month

Stage in Company, National Research Center (longer than 10 days each): 1CFU/month.

A training activity/research period of at least 4months/120days must be carried out at qualified research institutions/University abroad (outside Italy). 

The total can be the sum of different activity/research periods that last for more than 10 days.

Other activities, for example, being a speaker in divulgative actions such as seminars in primary or secondary schools or other public events, can be evaluated for CFU by the Commission for Education.


The CFU will be assigned after:

  • approval by the Commission for Education of a report of the activities: signed by the tutor. Proof of the activities (e.g. certificates of attendance) can be requested by the Commission on demand;
  • approval of an annual scientific report by the Faculty. At the end of the First and Second years the report must be presented to an Expert nominated by the Faculty that will deliver an opinion about the work. The Scientific report will be also presented as a Poster during the PhD day. At the end of the Third year the report must be presented orally to the Faculty to be admitted to the final exam.