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Course XXXIX cycle -2025

Scientific Programming Languages (20h)
Numerical simulations are computations we run on a computer with programs implementing a mathematical model for chemical, physical or biological systems. They are of fundamental importance to investigate processes too complex to provide analytical solutions. While the largest and most accurate simulations often use advanced computing capabilities, there is an ample layer of small and intermediate problems across many disciplines that can be faced with easier-to-handle tools. This course will introduce modern programming languages (for example Python, R, Matlab, etc) and computational tools (for instance Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning, Deep Learning) aimed to solve problems in the Earth, Life, and Chemical Sciences.
Relevant topics in chemometrics and data analysis (16h) 
Instrumental or computed data hold useful information that could be hard to extract. This course aims to provide the necessary tools for mining useful information from complex and large data sets, difficult to interpret using traditional statistical techniques. This course will introduce multivariate data analysis techniques (PCA, PLS) and Kernel based methods (Kernel PCA, Kernel SIMCA, Kernel PLS, Support Vector Machines (SVM). Case studies will be presented to show the potentiality of the described techniques and different data set will be analyzed as well. 
Hot environmental topics in a changing world (16h)
Climate changes, growing demands of raw materials, impacts of pollution and waste, biodiversity loss and the potential extinction of many plants and animals are putting pressure on our planet, which is rapidly changing. This course will take the student across disciplines, from emerging hot topics in geological to natural sciences from green economy to technology, to develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and sustainability concerns. 
Scientific Communication in English (20h)
This course will teach you how to communicate effectively in English (and any other language) in the world of academia. You will learn how to: - write a research paper using a simple clear style, which will enable your readers to immediately understand your unique contribution; - present your research at an international conferences, and network successfully in order to increase your chances of future collaborations; - write effective emails to editors and fellow academics; - draft a CV.  The lessons are dynamic, interactive and above all highly practical. 
Corso Competenze Trasferibili  (24h) 
Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali; Project Design; La Mobilità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal; Budgeting; Business Planning; I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva; Career Development; I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica e La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico (16h)
Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica, La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico. Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.