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Course XXXVIII - 2023

Descrizione CFU*
Title: Introduction to multivariate data analysis with exercise (PCA and PLS basic)
Speaker: Caterina Durante (DSCG)
Abstract: Instrumental or computed data holds useful information that could be hard to extract. Data analysis is an important aspect of scientific research. This course aims at providing the necessary tools for extracting useful information from complex and large data sets, difficult to interpret using traditional statistical univariate analysis techniques. This course deals with the study of two important multivariate data analysis techniques, i.e., Principal Component Analysis, PCA and Partial Least Square Regression, PLS. Finally, some case studies will be presented to show the potentiality of the described techniques and different data set will be analyzed as well.  
Title: Kernel based methods in classification and regression
Speaker:Federico Marini (Roma La Sapienza)
Abstract: Kernel based methods like Kernel Principal Component Analysis, Kernel SIMCA, Kernel Partial Least Squares (KPLS), Support Vector Machines (SVM) etc... have become popular techniques for classification or regression of complex non-linear data sets. The modeling is performed by mapping the data in a high-dimensional feature space through a (linear or non-linear) kernel transformation, followed by a classification or regression step. The course will illustrate the basic principle of the kernel transformation many applications and hands-on
Title: Modern Analytical Science needs Modern Data Analysis Approach. Artificial Intelligence in scientific data analysis
Speaker: José Amigo (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)
Abstract: The course aims at offering an open, practical and intuitive approach to the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning) into the chemical data. During 8 hours we will learn data structures, major preprocessing (data curation) methods, and analytical protocols for data mining and Machine Learning. We will learn when and where some approaches can be used. The analytical data will be focused on spectrometry, chromatography, hyperspectral imaging, voltammetry and databases.
Title: Introduction to experimental Design
Speaker: Marina Cocchi (DSCG)
Abstract: How to rationally plan experiment. Basis of DoE, main design, mixture design and design by principal properties
Title: Sensitivity to climate change of cold regions: hazard implications and sustainable development.
Speaker: Costanza Morino (CNRS, Laboratoire EDYTEM - UMR 5204, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France)
Abstract: Glaciers and permafrost react sensitively to past and present changes in atmosphericx temperature because of their proximity to the melting point. As a consequence, climatic changes have caused pronounced effects in glacial and periglacial terrains at various latitudes. The recent and continuing reduction in glacier ice cover and thaw of permafrost influence the appearance of landscapes, the seasonality of melt-water runoff, the intensity of erosion and sedimentation, the stability of high-elevation slopes and may have an impact on many potentially hazardous processes. This course aims at exploring the causes and the effects of climate changes at present and past times in glacial and periglacial environments, and covers the state-of-art scientific approaches in the field of glacial and periglacial geomorphology.
Title: Fundamentals of inverse problems
Speaker: Mattia Aleardi (Università di Pisa)
Abstract: Starting from notions of linear Algebra, the course will propose basic approaches to solve ill-posed inverse problems, focusing on linear ones. A few hints will be also given on Bayesian as well as non-linear inversion.
Title: Programming with Python
Speaker: Julien Bloino (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Abstract: Concetti di base del linguaggio; Programmazione orientata agli oggetti; il sistema di biblioteche di Python: moduli interni e esterni; Python nella scienza: introduzione su alcune biblioteche e il loro uso; Concetti chiave del linguaggio verranno illustrati attraverso la realizzazione progressiva di un programma completo durante il corso.
Title: Programmazione MatLab
Speaker: Fabio Durastante (Università di Pisa)
Abstract: Numerical simulations are computations we run on a computer with programs implementing a mathematical model for a chemical, physical or biological system. We need them to study the behaviour of processes whose mathematical formulations are too complex to provide analytical solutions. The computational science area is itself a rapidly growing field. While the largest and most accurate simulations often use advanced computing capabilities, there is an ample layer of small and intermediate problems across many disciplines that we can face with easier-to-handle tools. This course will address one of such tools called MATLAB. We will use it to perform small-scale computer simulations. In the first place, we are going to introduce the programming language on its own and take some familiarity with it. Then, we will apply it to solve some problems in Earth, Life, and Chemical sciences.
Title: Environmental change and social resilience in Mediterranean islands. Lessons from the interdisciplinary OLEA-project focused on the Balearic Islands.
Speaker: Gabriel Servera and Grant Snitker (Unimore and ORISE/US Forest Service)
Abstract: Session 1- Palaeoenvironmental techniques and their application to island research. Session 2-Using modern pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs for a better understanding of past vegetation dynamics. Session 3- Mosaic landscape formation: why, when, and how? Session 4- Expanding the interpretative potential of paleo-fire records
Title: Corso Strumentazione C.I.G.S. (rinominato OPEN DAY CIGS)
Speaker: Personale CIGS
Abstract: Presentazione dei "grandi" strumenti presenti presso il Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti (CIGS) dell'università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Saranno presentate le potenzialità e le possibili applicazioni in diversi campi di indagine degli strumenti presenti presso il centro
Title: Scientific Communication in English
Speaker: Adrian Wallwark
Abstract: This course will teach you how to communicate effectively in English (and any other language) in the world of academia. You will learn how to: - write a research paper using a simple clear style, which will enable your readers to immediately understand your unique contribution; - present your research at an international conferences, and network successfully in order to increase your chances of future collaborations; - write effective emails to editors and fellow academics; - draft a CV. The lessons are dynamic, interactive and above all highly practical.
Speaker: Personale Ufficio Ricerca/Bibliometrico UNIMORE
Abstract: Opportunità e percorsi per la ricerca e l'innovazione nazionali e internazionali; Project Design; La Mobilità per i ricercatori, Full Bright ed Euraxesses Portal; Budgeting; Business Planning; I finanziamenti EU per la cittadinanza attiva; Career Development; I diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale
Title: La ricerca dell'informazione scientifica e La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico BSI-UNIMORE
Speaker: Personale BSI
Abstract: Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica, La gestione delle citazioni bibliografiche nel lavoro scientifico. Ciascuna lezione comprenderà una parte teorica ed una pratica con esercitazioni da completare a “casa”.
Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) Course 4